Thursday, December 10, 2009

The iPhone Menace!

You know that one guy you're friends with? You know, that one dickhead who is ALWAYS ON HIS FUCKING IPHONE? I am certain that you do; at least one of "those guys" finds their way into very circle of friends.

I am sure you have wondered, like I didn't prior to reading the article I am about to promote, just how often this jerk is on his iPhone. Evidently, " heavy smartphone users only represent about 3 percent of the customer base, but their mobile activities are accounting for 40 percent of data traffic."

That's right-- 3% of the AT&T subscribers gobble up an entire 40% of the company's available date services.

You do not have to be a mathematician to conclude that that is a lot of iPhone usage. But, when you truly consider it, is it really that suprising?

We live in an age that allows us to access any information, at any point in time by means of our TELEPHONE; it is a good thing iPhone users haven't figured this out and are currently just checking Facebook and playing games that are kinda violent and funny, otherwise the ramifications could be catastrophic.

Think about it-- when was the last time you actually saw someone on an iPhone doing anything productive? I can honestly say that my survivability, happiness, safety, intellect, or sex appeal have never been compromised by anything the iPhone has to offer; even if you were to use it as a projectile, it would shatter, and you probably wouldn't have insurance on it, either. In spite of this, a very small percentage of smartphone users play on their phones enough to necessitate an additional 37% of all network (yeah, that is how it works, motherfucker. Take your evidence and get outta here.).

In light of all of this, my borthers and sisters, I ask you to take a stand. Take a stand against that dickhead who silently giggles at the silly bumper sticker they just found! Take a stand against 2-second intervals between taking and uploading a picture to Facebook! Take a stand against that STUPID FUCKING RINGTONE AND I KNOW YOU KNOW WHICH ONE I AM TALKING ABOUT!

But leave the "I am T-Pain" app alone; that shit is hilarious.